Activity Guides
Below is a list of the quest currently implemented in 2009Scape.
Prerequisite systemplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigImplemented Content and the Prerequisite System
What is this?
Below is a currently incomplete list of implemented content which does not have a quest that would normally be associated with it implemented. In such cases, the content generally requires all pre-requisites from that quest in order to use. Missing requirements can be checked by clicking unimplemented quests in the quest journal in-game.
Borkplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigBork
Bork is a big ugly ork
Bork is available to kill once every day. He is an excellent source of charms, and killing him grants Slayer XP.
Under Construction
Recommended Skills & Quests:
* 43+ Prayer for Protect from Melee
Dagannoth Kingsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigDagannoth Kings
The Dagannoth Kings (commonly abbreviated DKs) are a group of three dagannoths that live deep in the cave on Waterbirth Island which is a multiway combat area. They are each level 303, and also represent the combat triangle. Each of them uses a different combat style, is weak against the type that defeats them on the combat triangle, and has a high defence against all others. Each King possesses his own unique ring drop, except for Rex who has two. The rings give the best bonuses for thei…
Tormented Demonsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTormented Demons
Tormented demons (TD's) are one of the strongest monsters in the game. TD's boast some of the most unique combat mechanics of any monster in runescape where you will actively need to switch attack weapons, gear, and protection prayers to be successful in the hunt. They are 450 combat, require actual strategy and timing but the rewards can be worth the trouble.
God Wars Dungeonplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigGod Wars Dungeon
The God Wars Dungeon contains some of the most powerful enemies you will encounter in 2009Scape. These are the armies from the ancient God Wars doomed to struggle eternally. It is here, you can find the shards and hilts of the legendary God Sword. The generals here include
Wilderness Revenantsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigWilderness Revenants
Fighting revenants
* Players and revenants can only attack each other if the difference in combat levels is less than or equal to the wilderness level. Remember that your combat level in the wilderness excludes Summoning, unless you have a familiar summoned.
Kalphite Queenplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigKalphite Queen
The Kalphite Queen, also called the KQ, is the strongest of the Kalphites. The Kalphite Queen, along with dust devils, is notable for dropping the Dragon chainbody. - Do you have what it takes to achieve true Giga Chadhood?
King Black Dragonplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigKing Black Dragon
The King Black Dragon, commonly referred to as KBD, is a three-headed dragon located in his lair, accessible only through the deep Wilderness. The King Black Dragon has a combat level of 276, which makes him one of the strongest dragons in 2009Scape. Players should not take this foe lightly, and they should always take an anti-dragon shield as his dragonfire breath is very deadly without protection. The King Black Dragon can also be killed as an alternative for a black dragon Slayer task …
Corporeal Beastplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigCorporeal Beast
The Corporeal Beast, often referred to simply as Corp, is a large monster residing in its lair, accessible via a games necklace or through an entrance in level 33 Wilderness South of Red Dragon Isle. It has a very large health pool of 2,000 Hitpoints, coupled with high Defence and 50% damage reduction against most weapons. It's no joke Chief.
Giant Moleplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigGiant Mole
Deep beneath Falador Park rests the bane of Wyson the Gardner's existence. Nightmares of tunnels and digging have led Wyson to offer a bounty for confirmed kills in the form of birds nests. Will you commit mass genocide and reap the benefits for use of farming and herblore grinds?
Falador Diaryplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigFalador Achievement Diary
* Skills: 10 Defence, 16 Construction, 40 Fishing, 40 Combat+ Recommended.
* Items: 1643 coins, a spade, a light source, cheese, an empty bucket, a tiara, an air talisman, enough runes to cast an elemental spell.
Fremennik Diaryplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigFremennik Achievement Diary
* Skills: 10 Slayer, min. 16 Fishing. * Items: Anti-poison potion, combat gear, games necklace, harpoon or big fishing net. * Quests: Wolf Whistle.
* Skills: 33 Crafting, 20 Defence, 48 Cooking, 55 Hunter, 42 Thieving.
Karamja Diaryplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigKaramja Achievement Diary
* Skills: 15 Agility, 40 minning, 40 fishing, 40+ combat recommended * Items: Rope, Pickaxe, 60gp, cage or harpoon.
Medium (Currently some tasks are not implemented)
* Skills: 40 Agility, 50 Woodcutting, 16 Cooking, 65 Fishing, 27 Farming, 41 Hunter, 40 Mining
Lumbridge Diaryplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigLumbridge Achievement Diary
* Skills: none * Items: pickaxe, bucket of water, 10gp (if Prince Ali Rescue quest is not completed). * Quests: Prince Ali Rescue (optional), The Restless Ghost.
* Skills: 15 Mining, 25 Fishing, 30 Smithing, 5 Runecrafting, defend Zombies level 13.
Seers' Village Diaryplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigSeers' Village Achievement Diary
* Skills: 21 Cooking, 13 Farming, 16 Fishing * Items: 5x flax, 5x pot (1 might work), 5x cider, 3x jute seed, farming equipment (at least rake and seed dibber), 1x bucket of milk, 3 coins, 1x big fishing net (or 20 coins to buy one)
Varrock Diaryplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Varrock Achievement Dairies
Starting Points:
* Rat Burgiss, south of Varrock (Easy tasks) * Reldo, in the Varrock Library (Medium tasks) * Vannaka, in the Edgeville Dungeon (Hard tasks)
* Starting Point:
Rat Burgiss, south of Varrock (You are not
Dungeons (Special)
Stronghold of Player Safetyplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigThe Stronghold of Player Safety
The Stronghold of Player Safety is a dungeon found north of the Barbarian Village and south of Edgeville.
To enter the dungeon players are first required to take an exam showing their understanding of the 'Report Abuse' function in the game.
Agility Pyramidplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAgility Pyramid Guide
Key Stats
Assuming 26 laps per hour at agility level 75+
* 42,000 Agility experience per hour (x the multiplier) * Up to 260,000 gp per hour (assuming pyramid tops are saved and only sold once the player reaches agility lvl 99)
All Fired Upplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigAll Fired Up Minigame
King Roald of Varrock has built a beacon fire warning system. Help him test it out and gain rewards to aid you in your Firemaking skills. This mini-game is dangerous because it requires traveling through high level of the wilderness. Additional requirements are needed to light all 14 beacons.
Barbarian Assaultplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigBarbarian Assault
This page, and all subpages of it, are intended to document the mechanics of Barbarian Assault. The minigame itself is not yet implemented in the game. This is due to Ryan taking more than the two days that he had promised to code it. Because of this we added a custom way of getting the Fighter Torso which requires 7,5m to purchase. The Dialogue shows how many days since Ryan made the promise.
Barrowsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigBarrows Guide
Barrows is a combat minigame released in May 2005, that involves fighting the six Barrow brothers. The Barrows brothers were powerful warriors of Saradomin who fought in the God Wars. Their powers were granted to them by a mysterious stranger whose identity is currently unknown. After being wounded and then dying in battle, their army built several mounds in their honour.
Tzhaar Fight Caveplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTzhaar Fight Cave
The fight cave, Can you endure the fight cave and prevail yourself in the world of the TzHaar? There are 63 waves of enemies in all only the strongest may survive
Skill Levels Required:
* 41 Prayer at an absolute minimal for Protect from Missles
Fishing Trawlerplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigFishing Trawler
Solo-player Guide
* You require level 15 fishing to play this minigame. * This minigame is not 100% authentic.
Inventory Setup
* 150+ Swamp Paste * 4-5 Bailing Buckets (Not Regular Buckets) * 22-23 Ropes
Playing the game
Fist Of Guthixplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigFist of Guthix
Fist of Guthix is a minigame that was released on 9th of April 2008. The game employs tactics and strategy, and offers a substantial range of rewards to players; for example, the Runecrafting gloves double the experience gained when crafting a specific type of rune.
Mage Arenaplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigMage Arena
* 60 Magic level * Runes
The number of runes needed to unlock each spell. Spell Saradomin Strike 200 200 400 Claws of Guthix 100 200 400 Flames of Zamorak 400 200 100 Location
Mage Training Arenaplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigMage Training Arena
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Ourania Altarplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigZMI/Ourania Altar
The Ourania Altar (also known as the ZMI Altar) is one of the several runic altars located throughout RuneScape. The altar is in the Ourania Cave, which is west of the Battlefield, and south of West Ardougne.
Pest Controlplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigPest Control
Pest Control is combat minigame that was added to Runescape in April 2006. It is a safe minigame that can be played without consequences(such as losing items etc.)
Basic Info
In order to play Pest Control, you should go to Port Sarim. At the southern end of the dock you will find a squire who mentions an outpost under attack by monsters. If you agree to help, you will be taken to the outpost.
Puro-Puroplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigPuro-Puro
Impetuous Impulses is a minigame in which the objective is to capture implings, flying imp-like creatures that have been stealing trinkets and treasures all over 2009Scape. Players begin the game by speaking with Elnock Inquisitor.
Vinesweeperplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigVinesweeper
Vinesweeper is Farming and Hunter-based minigame that was added to Runescape in February 2008. It is a safe minigame that can be played without consequences (such as losing items etc.) It is an excellent source of Farming XP at all levels, seeds, and early Hunter XP.
Other Activities
Daily Tasksplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigDaily Tasks
* Killing chickens is against the law of Gielinor. * Page in the process of updating.
Hans Tutor
Cooking tutor
Woodcutting tutor
Penguin Hide and Seekplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigPenguin Hide and Seek
Every week after the weekly reset, 10 penguins go into hiding across all of 2009Scape. If you can manage to find and spot these penguins, you will earn points that you can exchange for coins or experience.
Shooting Starsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigShooting Stars
Shooting stars are one of the more unique things about 2009scape, and no, these are not from OSRS! With shooting stars in 2009scape, they serve as a point for the community to gather around and hang out while they break down the star, and offer some nice daily incentives for earning GP as well.
Treasure Trailsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTreasure Trails
Treasure trails are a fairly popular activity in which you follow a trail of clues, in the form of clue scrolls, to a casket at the end which you can loot for some very good potential rewards. With this being 2009scape, a lot of our coordinate clues are very different from OSRS and RS3, due to our map being different, so this page will aim to document the locations of all of our different coordinate clues, and perhaps serve a little bit more information as well.
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Welcome to 2009Scape wiki! Happy ChristmasThis is a community wiki written and maintained by the community. Please help expand the wiki, especially if you can help document the differences between 2009scape and RuneScape as it was in January 2009. We are seeking original and new 2009scape content, please don't copy paste irrelevant OSRS/RS3 content.