The Ourania Altar (also known as the ZMI Altar) is one of the several runic altars located throughout RuneScape. The altar is in the Ourania Cave, which is west of the Battlefield, and south of West Ardougne.
The Ourania Altar converts pure essence into an assortment of random runes. The altar, which requires no talisman, tiara or staff to enter, gives 2X the normal experience for each pure essence used. Rune essence cannot be used. Players do not need a specific Runecraft level in order to craft at this altar, but the chance of crafting higher-levelled runes increases with a higher Runecraft level.
Once inside the Ourania Cave, quickly reached by an Ourania Teleport (Level 71 Magic from the lunar spellbook), players may use a bank there that requires a payment of 20 non combination runes of any type. They can then go to the altar by taking either a short and dangerous route or a longer and safe route. Note that the long, curving path has no monsters. At the end of the long path, there is a crack that requires no Agility level to cross.
There are two paths you are able to take when crafting runes at the ZMI altar
Monster | Level | Max Hit |
Zamorak warrior | 84 | 9 |
Zamorak mage | 84 | 8 |
Zamorak ranger | 81 | 9 |
Cave lizard | 37 | 5 |
Zamorak crafter | 19 | 2 |
An accurate experince rate per hour is difficult to calculate, however you should assume approximatly 2,250 essence crafted per hour (without a familiar and using Giant and Large Pouch only) At 93 Runecrafting I was getting somewhere around 180k exp per hour at 5X. (36k an hour at 1X).
Method | Full Trip Time | Essence Crafted per trip | Exp per trip (5x) | Trips per hour (Rounded Down) | XP per hour (5x) | Pros | Cons |
Abyss - Death Runes | 1:25:00 | 61 | 3050 | 42 | 128,100 | Decent profit, approximatly 2500 essence crafted an hour. | Lower XP than other methods listed |
Abyss - Water Runes (FOG Gloves) | 1:20:00 | 61 | 3480 | 45 | 156,600 | Higher XP than Deaths, ability to use regular essence vs pure | Money is break even due to use of FOG gloves |
Earth Runes (FOG Gloves) | 0:56:00 | 61 | 3965 | 63 | 249,795 | Highest XP in the game. Ability to use regular essence vs pure | Major loss due to using FOG gloves |
Nature runes (Graahk) | 1:00:00 | 54 | 2430 | 59 | 143,370 | Faster xp and money than Deaths and Abyss natures | Graahk Pouches are time consuming to obtain. |
ZMI | 1:10:00 | 45 | 3600 (Approximate at 93 RC) | 50 | 180,000 | Decent XP for essence crafted | Will annoy you and Shadow94 level burnout long term |
Lava Runes | 0:53:00 | 45 | 2250 | 67 | 150,750 | Decent XP for essence crafted | Requires Magic imbue, Binding Necklace, Very Click Intensive. No profit |
Credits: H A X.
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