1. To start this quest, go towards the Lumbridge Swamp. Go to the north-west edge of the swamp to find a Warrior, Archer, Wizard, and Monk standing around a campfire. Talk to the Warrior:
(Don't forget to bring an axe with you!)
From the dialog line, select in turn:
2. After talking to the Warrior, near the camp there is a tree that only has a “Chop” option instead of “Chop down. Click on the tree, and a leprechaun named Shamus will pop out. Talk to him.
3. Before trip to Entrana go to nearest bank, take food, knife and runes with you, equipment and other weapons leaves, then run to Port Sarim:
4. Talk to the Monk and ask him to cruise to the entrana, he will check before you sail to make sure you are not carrying any items (equipment or weapons).
5. When you get off the boat, go to the east; then north over the bridge; then west.
7. Once in the dungeon, you will need to obtain a woodcutting axe.
There is a safespot by the mushrooms against the west wall, and another by the little group of mushrooms in southern part of the zombie area.
8. If using the Crumble Undead spell to fight zombies, make sure to save runes for some 20-30 casts of other spells against the Tree spirit later. Once you have obtained an axe ,go south through the cave until you see some demons and a small cave off to the south.
9. Run past the demons to the south, and chop the Dramen Tree found inside.
10. A level 101 tree spirit will appear.
11. Once you've defeated the tree spirit, cut the tree again to get a Dramen branch. Use a knife on the Dramen branch to get a Dramen staff.
12. Use Lumbridge Home Teleport for quick transportation. Wield the Dramen staff and enter the tool shed and you'll find yourself in Zanaris.
13. You complete the quest:
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* Implemented Content and the Prerequisite System * Quest Experience by Skill
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* Black Knights' Fortress * Cook's Assistant * Demon Slayer * Doric's Quest * Dragon Slayer * Ernest the Chicken * Goblin Diplomacy * Imp Catcher * The Knight's Sword * Pirate's Treasure * Prince Ali Rescue * The Restless Ghost * Romeo & Juliet * Rune Mysteries * …
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