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Farming allows us to expand various resources that can be used in many other skills, such as Herblore and Cooking, as well as provide us with a source of food raw materials.

Throughout the game world, there are special plots (patches) where you can plant plants for cultivation. These are Farming patches. Once you have a few seeds, you can plant them on the appropriate Farming patch to grow a plant from them. After a while, they will start to grow until you finally have your crop fully ready to harvest. Once you've harvested them, you'll be able to plant more seeds in your plot.

Each Farming patch is designed for a specific type of crop: Herb patch is for herbs, Flower patch is for growing flowers (including useful limpwurt), Allotments patch is for growing vegetables and other crops like tomatoes and strawberries. This will be developed in more detail in the following sections.

Planting plants

The simplest plants are grown by planting seeds directly on a suitable empty Farming patch. You must have a seed dibber to do this - don't worry, these tools are not expensive. More information on the necessary accessories and their use in the Tools section. For crops such as vegetables and hops, it takes three or four seed plants to fully seed a farm field. Herbs, flowers and shrubs can only be grown from one seed. For example, to plant marigold, use one seed on an empty Flower patch; to plant crops such as potato, use 3 seeds in an empty plot.

Larger plants, such as trees and fruit trees, cannot be planted directly as seeds. Instead, they must first be planted in a pot (you can buy them at farm supply stores or make your own on a potter's wheel). Before placing the plant seeds into the pot, fill it with soil, using it on an empty Farming patch. You must own a gardening trowel to be able to do this. After planting the seeds in pots, they only need to be sprinkled with water from a watering can. Such a tree will grow for a few minutes, just leave it in your inventory or in the bank for safekeeping. When the seedling grows, use it on an empty Tree patch or Tree fruits patch to repot your plant into the final plot. You absolutely must do it.

If Farming patch is not used, it starts to overgrow with weeds. Before you can plant plants in this place, you will have to get rid of the weeds, i.e. simply rake our Farming patch. You don't have to throw away the weeds - you'll find a way to use them later! As the plants grow, you have to wait a while before they are fully developed. Simple crops grow in about an hour, but large trees can take hours or even days. They'll grow even if you're not logged in, so you don't have to spend all your time standing by your plot! Many players often move from one patch to another to check the status of their crop and harvest everything that is fully grown, and then want to plant more plants there. Don't forget to carry teleport runes with you - it can be a long way between some Farming patches!

During cultivation, it can sometimes happen that the plants become sick. When this happens, don't panic. For small plots such as vegetables and herbs, simply use Plant cure to heal them and they will recover instantly. Trees can be healed by pruning their diseased branches with Secateurs. Both Plant Cure and Secateurs can be purchased at the farm supply store. If you don't treat your sick plants, they may die. If you are unlucky and find plants dead, you just have to dig them out of the patch. There are many ways to protect plants from diseases.


When it comes to harvesting, those planted in patches that have been treated with compost are less likely to contract disease and should yield more.

There are two ways to get compost:

  • You can buy it in shops and gardeners in Farming patches.
  • You can make it yourself. For someone who starts the adventure with Farming, it is probably the best idea to make your own compost.

Compost is made in compost bins, which are located near all major Farming patches. Most organic produce can be thrown into these bins. You must place fifteen compostable items inside the bin.

These may include the following products:

  • Weeds
  • Barley, Asgarnian Hop, Hammerstone Hop, Jute Plant, Yannilian Hop, Krandorian Hop, Wildblood Hop.
  • All flowers.
  • Dwellberries, redberries and cadavaberries.
  • Potato, Cabbage, onion, tomato, strawberries and sweetcorn.
  • Guam, marrentill, tarromin, harralander, goutweed, ranarr weed and irit leaf.
  • Apples, bananas, oranges and curries.

Alternatively, if you forget the one about the leaf, you can just talk to the gardener who will replace the plants for you. When the container is completely full, close the lid and the fermentation process will begin. You will not be able to open the lid until this process is complete. Once the vegetation is fully digested, you can proceed to fill the empty buckets with your compost.


You have to put fifteen items inside the bins, only they are slightly different products than in the case of regular compost. Some organic elements can be used for supercompost production.

The following ingredients can be placed in containers to produce super compost:

  • the roots of all trees
  • Pineapples, watermelons, nuts and papaya.
  • Mushroom bittercap.
  • Poison Ivy, jangerberries and whiteberries.
  • Avantoe, kwuarm, snapdragon, cadantine, lantadyme, dwarf weed, torstol and toadflax.

You can just show the item to the gardeners, they will tell you if the item is suitable for making super compost. It is used in the same way as normal, but it is much more effective in preventing disease and increasing yields, although it is more difficult. Fruit or vegetables intended for normal production cannot be used to create super compost. If some products for supercompost and normal compost are in one Compost bin, normal compost will be produced.

To produce supercompost, only put the supercompost products in the basket.


  • 5 watermelons + 10 pineapples will make super compost
  • 4 watermelons + 10 pineapples + 1 weed gives normal compost

You can also use the compost bins to make Rotten Tomatoes, just add the tomatoes to the bin with a lid and close it. Once they are fully fermented, you can open the lid and use them on unwitting players in the Duel Arena.

This gives you the experience listed in the table below:

ItemXP for crafting


Different crops take different amounts of time to grow to full maturity. Some grow very quickly before they are harvested, while others take several days to grow. Plants grow in real time, so they continue to grow when you log into the game.

Your crops will sometimes become sick as they grow. Compost and supercompost will reduce the chance of your crops getting sick, but they won't completely prevent it. Once you have learned how long it takes for your plants to grow, you will need to test your knowledge of the plants to ensure they grow successfully.

Remember that you no longer have to stand on patches waiting for plants to grow. They will happily continue to grow even if you are not there. Keep in mind that certain crops automatically develop protection around certain flowers, pay gardeners to take care of your plants for you, and try tuning Amulet of Farming or Nature to keep an eye on your crops.

Even if a patch doesn't succumb to disease or death, you can make even better use of the time between planting by planting on other patches, or doing something entirely different than just standing around waiting for the plants to grow. Also, if the plants are fully grown, there is no longer any chance that they will be sick or dying, so you are free to return to harvest when it is most convenient for you. Friendly spirits appear from time to time to remind you of these facts.


By using compost, you will ensure the survival of the plants, but it will not prevent the disease from infecting the crops. Flowers planted in Flower patches provide protection against pests and diseases of plants planted in the area around them. Flowers and scarecrows protect only certain types of plants that are susceptible to disease, however, with the exception of white lilies, which will protect all neighboring fruits and vegetables.

Item Protection

  • Marigolds,Potatoes, Onions, tomatoes
  • Rosemary, Cabbage
  • Nasturtium, Watermelons
  • White lily, All nearby fruits and vegetables, Scarecrow, Sweetcorn

If you want to own a scarecrow, just do the following:

  • 1. Fill an empty bag with straw from a haystack.
  • 2. Put the hay bag on the bronze spear.
  • 3. At the top, use a watermelon as a head.
  • 4. Place a scarecrow on an empty Flower patch.

Hiring gardeners is the most costly method, but it always ensures the survival of your crop. Gardeners accept bags or baskets full of your produce, compost buckets, and other items as payment. A cheaper alternative is just watering the plant: it reduces the chance of it becoming sick. Watering Allotment, Hop and Flower patch will help to avoid the disease, but will not protect the plants from it completely.

Similar information can be found in-game by clicking on the Farming icon in the Skills section of the control panel.

Treatment of the disease

Plants that are grown in patches that have been treated with compost that are watered regularly will usually be harvestable without any disease. However, if they do become sick, they can be treated with Plant cure, which should be available from farm supply stores and gardeners in each patch. Larger plants such as shrubs and trees can only be treated by pruning diseased branches with a pair of secateurs. After pruning trees and shrubs, you will receive branches of individual trees and shrubs. For example, if you prune willows, you will get willow branches as a result.

Diseased plants tend to die, which means they need to be dug up with a shovel and replanted.

Harvest your crops

After enough time, hopefully your crops have survived and will need to be harvested. To do this, head towards the patch with a shovel and if you want items to store items (e.g. sack or basket) so you can keep your produce.If the plants have survived, click on the option called harvest - you will be able to dig them up and they will appear in the storage. If the plants are dead, you will need to use the shovel to dig up, dig up the dead plant, and then plant a new one, if you have the necessary items and seeds with you. For shrubs, trees and flowers, there will be a pick option. When all items from the bush are collected, then the bush can be dug up. In the case of trees and fruit trees, you must collect all the pieces and then cut down the tree before you can dig up the trunk.

After digging up non-fruit trees, you will get the roots of these trees.


The tools needed to start farming can be bought both from the farmers themselves and from supply stores around the world. You also have the option to trade with other players like any item except the watering can. Farm shops are marked with the icon on the world map. There are four such shops, scattered around the world of 2009Scape:

  • North of East Ardougne.
  • North of Catherby.
  • South-east of Falador.
  • Northwest of Port Phasmatys.
IconTool nameDescription
icon.pngRakeThey are used to weed your Farming patches.
icon.pngSpadeUsed to harvest or remove dead plants to clear a patch.
icon.pngSeed dibberUsed to plant seeds.
icon.pngSecateursUsed to remove diseased branches of trees and shrubs.
icon.pngWateringcan Used to water plants. Can be filled from any water source.
icon.pngEmpty sackUsed to store vegetables so they take up less space in the bag inventory. It can be purchased or made by yourself.
icon.pngBasketUsed to carry fruit, which thus takes up less space in your inventory. It can be purchased or made by yourself.
icon.pngPlant potUsed to inoculate a seedling before planting in a Farming patch. It can be purchased or made by yourself.
icon.pngCompost/SupercompostUsed to fertilize the Farming patch.
icon.pngPlant cureUsed to heal plants that have become sick. Cannot be used on bushes or trees.
icon.pngAmulet of Farming (8)An amulet that can be assigned to a patch informs the user when the plant is ready to harvest, sick or dead.

Baskets and Sacks

Baskets and bags are useful because they allow us to store our harvest, thanks to which they take up less space in the inventory. They are mainly used to store products used as fees for gardeners. The basket can fit up to five items, it can be apples, oranges, tomatoes, strawberries or bananas. The bags, on the other hand, can hold up to ten items, such as potatoes, onions and cabbages. As indicated in the table above, these two items can be crafted by the player himself, Crafting is useful for this purpose.

Item nameLimit
Empty bucket31
secateurs/Magic Secateurs1
watering can1
seed driller1
Gardening Trowel1

Seeds, patches and gardeners

There are many different seeds available in 2009Scape. Growth time depends on the type of plant. Some will grow out in less than an hour, while others may take hours.

Methods of obtaining seeds:

  • Seeds can be dropped by various creatures.
  • A reward for fulfilling the Wise Old Man's favor.
  • Trade with other players.
  • Stealing seeds from farmers or stalls (Thieving skill).
  • Seeds can be obtained from random events.

Olivia's Seed Stall

If you want to buy seeds, you can do so from Olivia, who has her stall in the market in Draynor village. It will also give you a clue on how to obtain rare seeds.

Bird nest

Bird nest can sometimes contain tree seeds. These types of seeds are rare, e.g. tree seeds, so when you find a nest.


Gardeners can do two jobs for you: sell various gardening equipment, and they can take care of your Farming patch. The Gardener will not look after every type of patch, but will only take care of an allotment, hop, bush or tree patch. Gardeners charge for this service, depending on the type of plant that requires other products and their quantity.



Fruits and vegetables can be grown on Allotments patch, which are:

  • North of East Ardougne.
  • North of Catherby.
  • South of Falador.
  • To the north-east from Port Phasmatys.
SeedsProductRequired lvlGrowth timeXP per plantXp per harvestGardener fee
Potato seedsPotato140mins892x Bucket of compost
Onion seedsOnion540mins9.510.51x Sack of potatoes
Cabbage seedsCabbage740mins1011.51x Sack of onions
Tomato seedsTomatoes1240 mins12.5142x Sack of cabbages
Sweetcorn seedsSweetcorn2050mins171910x Jute fiber
Strawberry seedsStrawberry311h26291x Basket of apples
Watermelon seedsWatermelon471h ​​10min48.554.510x Curry leaves


Herbs can be grown on Herbs patch which are:

  • North of East Ardougne.
  • North of Catherby.
  • South of Falador.
  • To the north-east from Port Phasmatys.
SeedsProductRequired lvlGrowth timeXp per plantXp per harvest
Guam seedsGuam91h 20min1112.5
Marrentill seedsMarrentill141h 20min13.515
Tarromin seedsTarromin191h 20min1618
Harralander seedsHarralander261h 20min21.524
Goutweed seedsGoutweed291h 20min10545
Ranarr seedsRanarr321h 20min2730.5
Spirit weed seedsSpirit weed361h 20min3236
Toad flax seedsToadfax381h 20min3438.5
Irit seedsIrit441h 20min4348.5
Avantoe seedsAvantoe501h 20min54.561.5
Kwarm seedsQuarterly561h 20min6978
Snapdragon seedsSnapdragon621h 20min87.598.5
Cadantine seedsCadantine671h 20min106.5120
Lantadyme seedsLantadyme731h 20min134.5151.5
Dwarf weed seedsDwarf weed791h 20min170.5192
Torstol seedsTorstol851h 20min199.5224.5


Flowers can be grown on Flower Patch which are:

  • North of East Ardougne. North of Catherby.
  • South of Falador.
  • To the north-east from Port Phasmatys.
  • Ruins in the Wilderness.
SeedsProductRequired lvlGrowth timeXp per plantXp per harvest
Marigold seedsMarigold220min8.547
Rosemary seedsRosemary1120min1266.5
Nasturtium seedsNasturtium2420min19.5111
Woad seedsWoad leaves2520min20.5115.5
Limpwurt seedsLimpwurt root2620min21.5120
White lily seedsWhite lily521h 20min50250


They can be planted on bush patches that are located:

  • South of East Ardougne South-west from the castle on Etceteria.
  • North of the chemist's house in Rimmington.
  • Southwest of Varrock, next to the Champions Guild.
SeedsProductRequired lvlGrowth timeXp per plantXp per harvestGardener fee
Redberry seedRedberries101h 40mins11.54.54x Sack of cabbages
Cadavaberry seedsCadavaberries222h1873xBasket of tomatoes
Dwelberry seedsDwelberries362h 20min31.5123x Basket of strawberries
Jangerberry seedsJangerberries482h 40min50.5196x Watermelon
Whiteberry seedsWhiteberries592h 40min78298x Bittercap mushrooms
Poison ivy seedsPoison ivy berries702h 40min12045-


Seeds can be grown on seeds patches, which are located:

  • In the south-east parts of Entrana. On the other side of the river, on the road from Lumbrigde to Varrock.
  • North of McGrubor's Wood, northwest of Seer's Village.
  • In the northern part of Yanille.
SeedsProductrequired lvlGrowth timeXp per plantXp per harvestGardener fee
Barley seedsBarley340mins8.59.53x Bucket of compost
Hammerstone seedsHammerstone seed440mins9101x Bunch of marigolds
Asgarnian seedsAsgarnian seed850mins10.5121x Sack of onions
Jute seedsJute fiber1350min1314.56x Handful of barley malt
Yanillian seedsYanillian seed161h14.5161x Basket of tomatoes
Krandorian seedsKrandorian seed211h 10min17.519.53x Sacks of cabbages
Wildblood seedsWildblood seed281h 20min23261x Bunch of nasturtiums


Trees can be planted on Tree patches found in:

  • In a park in Falador.
  • In the North=west around Lumbrigde Castle.
  • In the south-east parts of Taverley.
  • West of Agility Training Area in Tree Gnome Stronghold.
  • South-east of the palace in Varrock.
SeedsProductRequired lvlGrowth timeXp per plantingGardener Fee
AcornOak logs152h 40min141x Basket of tomatoes
Willow seedsWillow logs304h 251x Basket of apples
Maple seedsMaple logs455h 20min451x Basket of oranges
Yew seedsYew logs606h 40min8110x Cactus Spine
Magic seedsMagic logs758h-25x Coconut

Fruit Tree

Fruit trees can be planted on Fruit Tree patches that are located:

  • In the northern part of Brimhaven.
  • To the south-east from Catherby.
  • In the south-eastparts of Lletya.
  • To the south-east from Grand Tree.
  • To the north-east from Tree Gnome Village.
SeedsProductRequired lvlTimeGrowth timeXp per plantingGardener fee
Apple seedsApple2716h228.59x Raw sweetcorn
Banana tree seedsBanana3316h2810.54x Basket of apples
Orange seedsOrange3916h35.513.53x Basket of strawberries
Curry seedsCurry leaf4216h40155x Basket of bananas
Pineapple seedsPineapple5116h5721.510x Watermelon
Papaya seedsPapaya5716h722710x Pineapple
Palm tree seedsCoconut6816h110.541.515x Papaya


In the 2009Scape, there are also special species of plants that can only be grown in single plots.

  • The patch is located west of Draynor Manor.
  • The patch is on north-east of Al Kharid.
  • The patch is to the south-west of Canifis.
  • The patch is on west of Draynor Manor.

Spirit Tree Spirit Tree can be planted on special patches (Spirit Tree patch), which are located:

  • South of Castle on Etceteria.
  • To the north-east from Port Sarim.
  • To the north-east from Brimhaven.
SeedsProductRequired lvlGrowth timeXp per plantXp per harvestGardeners fee
Evil turnip seedsEvil turnip425min4146 -
Cactus seedsCactus spine559h66.5 25 -
Belladonna seedsNightshade635h 20min91 512 -
Spirit tree seeds - 8358h 40min199.5 -

Summoning Familiars

When using the Summoning skill, you will find that there are several summons that can be useful when training this skill. Particularly noteworthy is the compost mound, which not only raises your Farming level, but can also be used as a rich source of compost.

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skill_guides/farming.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/16 04:32 by szumaster