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Meele / Combat guide


Combat Level

The combat level is nothing more than a numerical indicator informing about the opponent's strength. As probably you guessed it, the higher it is, the stronger the enemy is. By hovering over a player or NPC, you can know their combat level. The color tells you how big there is a level difference between you and the target. Green means that the target is weaker than you, yellow means that you are roughly equal, and red that the target is stronger. This indicator generally often does not reflect In fact, I do not recommend trusting him. The combat level is calculated slightly differently for NPCs and players, but one factor remains common, they are combat skills: Attack, Strength, Defense, Magic, Ranged, Prayer and Summoning. Combat level of players is created by the calculation of the above skills, and its maximum value for players is 138 (126 for free players). In the case of NPCs, there are other factors in addition to the above skills. NPCs can own armor, weapons or various types of special attacks. It is also taken into account because it is important importance when fighting this type of enemy. For example, Black Dragon has natural armor made of scales, it breathes fire, and claws and teeth are its natural weapons. This is reflected in his height combat level.

Combat areas

There are two types of combat areas in 2009scape: singlecombat and multicombat. Singlecombat is nothing more than an exclusive one-on-one combat mode, with no exceptions. Applies to both player-to-player fights and when you fight NPCs. This combat area is definitely dominant.

Multicombat is an area of ​​free combat. Two against one, two against two, and so on. How to know that are you in such an area? Crossed swords will appear in the lower right corner of the game screen.Be careful when entering such areas, they are sometimes very dangerous.

Life points

Life points are your health. There are two ways to find out if your avatar is fine or o hair from death. Every time you take damage a bar appears above your head, it's a graphical one presentation. The green bar is the life points you have left, and the red ones are the ones you have lost. Similar health bars will appear above your opponents' heads during combat. Life points also have a number presentation, you will find it in the upper right corner, right next to it mini-map on red heart background. Keep an eye on your hit points, especially during tough combat. All you need to do is get them back quickly you have food to eat. Different types of food and the amount of health points they heal you will find in the article on Cooking. In addition to keeping track of the rest of your health points, it's worth having on also damage received. They will appear on your character's image in the form of hitsplats, they are spots with a number indicating damage, they also tell you the type of damage dealt. When you're close to death, you'd better run away from danger. NPCs will only chase you for a while, they'll leave you alone later. But they will surely happen situations where you fail. Then there will be death.

Injury types

Damage is divided into several types. They will all be discussed below.

Main types of injuries These wound types come from the three main fighting styles. The Defense skill reduces the chance to hit this type of blows, but it does not reduce damage.

Hand-to-Hand Combat Melee Melee damage is indicated by the sword icon next to the amount of damage dealt. Melee wounds are divided into 3 subtypes.

  • Stab damage
  • Slash damage
  • Crush damage

Every armor and NPC has some defense against these types of damage. However, it is not the same often one or more of them is weaker. It's worth taking advantage of and make your life easier by choosing the right weapon. Here are some of the most general examples. Pierce damage is very effective against dragons, it also works well against enemies equipped with chain mail. Slash damage is ideal for fighting lightly or lightly armored enemies. The damage is crushed with a hammer for plate armor and other types of heavy armor.

Archery (Ranged)

You can tell the damage from ranged combat by the bow icon that will appear next to the number damage dealt. This type of damage is not limited to an arrow fired from a bow. Applies to all projectiles throwables that are not entirely magical. Bolts, arrows, javelins and axes are all examples of this bullet type. Archery works best when the opponent is not heavily armored.

Magic Damage (Mage)

Magic damage is indicated by a blue hat next to the amount of damage dealt. Wounds from magic, similarly to those from archery, are inflicted at a distance. There are different sub-types of spells, however their choice doesn't matter too much, unlike the melee subtypes. Damage Magic spells are very effective against enemies with metal armor. Almost all Demons have very weak magic defense. Defense against magic is calculated slightly differently than in the case of archery and melee, it is calculated in 70% of your Magic skill level and 30% of your Defense skill level, then armor counts. This means that it is worth training Magic, even if you are a warrior or an archer. In case of confrontation with a mage, it will pay off with higher defense.

Other types of damage:

Dragonfire The natural weapon of all adult dragons, and without a doubt the most feared. Dragon fire without With proper preparation, he can easily kill the best players. The first basic protection against it is antidragon shield, this shield significantly reduces damage. Prayer protect from magic also provides some protection, but the damage will still be high. Finally, two types of potions with Herblore's abilities also provide protection, they are antifire potion and super antifire potion. In addition to the super antifire potion, there are the following ways to completely negate the damage dealt

dragon fire:

  • antidragon shield + antifire potion
  • antidragon shield + protect from magic
  • antifire potion + protect from magic

Dragonfire, while not classified as a magical attack, is well stopped by armor have high magic defense. Classic dragon types only use it when the target is in front of them, very similar to a regular melee attack. However, metal dragons can breathe it at a great distance. Young members of the dragon family cannot use it at all. Players can use dragon fire in combat under certain circumstances.


Poison damage looks like this. The poisoning state looks like this. Only members will experience this type of damage. Poison damage is slightly different unlike other types. The target of the attack must first be poisoned. In case of poisoning, we will receive a message in the chat.

We can get poisoned in several ways: fight against poisonous NPC taking normal damage from poisoned weapons triggering certain types of traps smoke spells from the ancient spellbook Poison damage is spread over time. Over time, they also weaken, and finally disappear completely. their time the expiration as well as the damage depends on the strength of the venom. How to protect yourself from poisoning and how to treat it? The easiest way is to drink an antipoison potion, which is simply an antidote. All kinds antidotes also provide a period of protection during which you cannot be poisoned again, with the stronger antidotes have this time extended. Poisoning can also be cured with certain z spells Lunar books, but they do not provide protection. Some prefer to leave everything they have valuable in bank and just die. Poison is a useful addition when fighting strong opponents. Note, however, that some NPCs a especially those who use poison themselves are immune to it.

Fighting Styles

There are three basic fighting styles, and each has its pros and cons. They are organized into something on rock-paper-scissors game shape. Any chosen style is strong against one, but weak against the other, this is referred to as the combat triangle. Warriors are effective against archers, but they don't fare well against mages. Archers are effective against mages, but not against warriors. Mages kill warriors easily, but are easy targets for archers. The above relationships are only an approximation, a lot also depends on the player's skills and his opponent, good preparation, tactics and many other factors. The above system applies not only in PvP, but also against NPCs.


Brutal hand-to-hand combat, face-to-face and heavy armor, that's the philosophy warriors and knights. Strong and heavily armored, they are formidable foes, their armor provides them with protection both from the attacks of other warriors, as well as from archers' projectiles. They also have significant infliction potential damage. Their only problem is the mages, who with a big smile on their mouths cast spells that easily pierce their armor. This fighting style without a doubt, he is the most popular choice when fighting NPCs because of a combination of high defense and solid, fast damage. In PvP it is also very popular. Warriors' weapons and armor are often not cheap, but it pays off investment. In most cases, they do not wear out and can be fought with, as much as your heart desires. Warriors do not use “ammunition”, but they require a lot of food.


Light armor, an accurate eye and a dead enemy loaded with bullets. Yes you can to briefly describe the archer. The armor worn by archers does not protect as good with pre-shots and melee weapons as heavy armor warriors, but provide excellent magical protection. Archers can they don't have as much offensive potential as warriors, but their attacks are at a distance, which is their undoubted advantage. Their main goals are unarmored mages, warrior archers tend to shun for the sake of own mediocre defense and that ranged attacks are well stopped through metal armor. This style is good for those who want to save money food in the fight with NPCs, because the archer can stand so that the opponent does not he could attack while showering him with a hail of projectiles. As other styles, is often used in PvP. Archer gear is ridiculously cheap compared to gear warriors. The biggest cost of an archer is ammunition, in a fight with NPCs they can save a lot by not using as much food as the warriors.


A few incomprehensible words, a focused will and a hand gesture. And we already have a flaming ball, wind blades and tons of other paranormal effects. This is the magician's path. On the beginninga word about defense and unfortunately two words fit here, a total tragedy. Magician clothes they only protect him from other mages, and that's not very good either. Offensive mages they are about on par with archers, and like them, they attack from a distance.Those the latter at the same time are the number 1 enemies of mages. Warriors, on the other hand, are easy prey for wizards due to weak magic defense and the fact that mages have stopping spells. Mages fighting NPCs is a thing they don't remember even the oldest highlanders. The reason is the nightmarish prices of runes, magic ammo and already mentioned tragic defense. In addition, the developers of the game somehow did not come up with a boss for magicians. The use of combat magic in the vast majority is PvP combat. Sorcerer's gear is economically a bit more expensive than archer's, still however, it is cheaper than warrior equipment. Mage ammo, runes are in though very expensive in large quantities.


Summoning itself is not a fighting style, which does not mean that it should be treated lightly. Is interesting addition to the other styles, and the choice of summons is large enough for everyone to find suitable for you.

Combat familiars

Fighting summons are a very large group, comprising the vast majority. They fight using three basic fighting styles: hand-to-hand combat, archery and magic. Even though most of them are available pets, only a few are really worth using and actually perform well in combat dealing extra damage. To use your pet's combat skills, remember to fight in a multicombat area.

Examples: Fire titan Steel titan Geyser titan Beasts of burden Some of the summons are veritable beasts of burden for carrying items. The benefit is obviously, we can take more potions, more food, more gear, which means longer and more fighting effectively. If we're going to fight for a really long time, it's worth taking a second one, a spare pouch with the same summon to renew its timer as it nears to end. Because when time runs out, the summon will disappear leaving all items on the ground that he was carrying. It's definitely better to avoid it.

Examples: Spirit terrorbird War tortoise pack yak healers Field medics who have the ability to heal you in combat. Narrow but extremely a useful group of summons that every avid chipper will appreciate. Everyone in this group heals for one of two ways. The first is to heal a certain number of lives every 15 seconds. The second way is more active, is done by using the scroll appropriate for the summon, he will obediently heal the part our wounds.

Examples: Bunyip Unicorn Stallion Ice titan The above groups are not exact, many summons belong to more than one group. In addition, some they can increase statistics, mainly due to scrolls, and thus can be an alternative to regular potions. To sum up, Summoning is a useful addition for everyone, warrior, archer or a mage. Everyone will appreciate the ability to carry items, heal and deal extra damage. An opportunity worth taking advantage of.

Hybrid fighting style

Having several fighting styles at once, especially in PvP combat, is certainly useful. you can thanks surprise the opponent. For this tactic to be effective, you need to take an extra set of armor and weapons, and you can tailor your armor to be ready to use with your chosen styles simultaneously. Both concepts have their drawbacks, inventory for two styles at once takes up space in backpack, which could be occupied, for example, by food. Equipment adapted to two types attacks, in turn, often has a potentially lower defense or negatively affects the accuracy of attacks. It's worth it test both options and choose the best one.

The following combinations are most often used:

  • Melee + Ranged
  • Melee + Magic

Other factors affecting combat Armor Along with weapons, this is one of the most important factors. It is absolutely worth choosing armor, which will provide the best defense against a particular opponent. This will make the fight against definitely more enjoyable and easier. Weapons Just like armor, it's worth choosing weapons well against specific opponents to take advantage of their weaknesses. In tougher fights, sometimes it's good to have even two or more types of weapons. Some weapons are worth taking because of the attacks special.

Jewelry Is not an extremely important factor, but wearing it generally helps. Amulets and necklaces often increase stats. Many types of jewelry have a teleport option that can be used to escape when something goes wrong.

Potions Legal doping, one might say. Moreover, you can and should use it. Potions will temporarily increase your skills without affecting your combat level, a at the same time, they will help you in the fight.

Prayer Gifts from the sky are useful for increasing your abilities. Protection prayers are still there more in price, as they will significantly increase your defense. If the fight goes on any longer, it's definitely worth thinking about how to replenish prayer points, e.g. with potions. More about Prayer you will learn from this article.

Food The ability to heal during combat is something that is always worth taking seriously. Tough fights will certainly require good food, which is undoubtedly worth getting into supply.

Weapon Types

A good weapon in hand is essential, and choosing the most appropriate one when preparing for a fight is a real art. An art worth mastering, and the fight will become much easier. Below you will find general characteristics main types of weapons will help you choose the right one.

Meele weapons


Small and very fast weapons mainly used for stabbing, but are also suitable for cuts. However, their strength is weak and they are only suitable for fighting the weaker, unarmored ones enemies. For players, members can become useful if they become poisoned. One-handed weapon.


As fast as daggers, and stronger. They are used to inflict stab wounds and cut. One-handed weapon.


Slightly slower than daggers and short swords, but much stronger than them, swords long attacks deal accurate piercing and slashing damage. One-handed weapon.


As fast as daggers, much stronger than them, but weaker than them long swords. They deal effective slash damage, a weak piercing weapon. Very popular due to a good compromise between strength and speed. One-handed weapon.


They have the speed of longswords. Good crush damage weapon however, they can also inflict stab wounds. They have an interesting property of increasing the bonus to prayer. One-handed weapon.


Their main use is chopping wood and should not be used in combat. If necessary, they inflict slash and crush wounds. They have the same speed as longswords. They don't impress with strength. One-handed weapon.


Like axes, they are not very suitable for combat, serving mainly miners. If there is nothing better at hand, they have the speed of longswords, they inflict crushing and piercing wounds. One-handed weapon.


Slightly slower than longswords, but much stronger than them. It causes wounds cut and crushed. One-handed weapon.


A weapon similar to war axes, similarly fast and strong, but only inflicts crush injuries. One-handed weapon

Two-handed swords

Incredibly slow and equally incredibly powerful, two-handed swords crush and slash everything on its way. They are also very accurate weapons.


A flexible weapon capable of dealing crushing, piercing and slashing damage. However, this comes at the cost of strength and speed. Spears have the speed of longswords and can be poisoned. Two-handed weapon.


Claws are as fast as daggers, they are better at inflicting slashing wounds, but they cannot be poisoned. Two-handed weapon.


As slow as two-handed swords and not as powerful as them, they are still capable of dealing many injuries. They are great for stabbing, a bit less for slashing. the most interesting of them feature is that they can attack opponents not directly in front of you, also those hiding behind small obstacles. Two-handed weapon.

Ranged weapons


Longbows are quite slow weapons, but they are more accurate and stronger than shortbows. He also has greater range. Bows shoot arrows that can be poisoned. Two-handed weapon.


A fast weapon to fight low defense opponents. They don't impress with their accuracy and attack power. Two-handed weapon.


Crossbows use bolts as ammo, they shoot as fast as longbows, they are quite accurate and deal very decent damage. Bolts can be poisoned or equipped with gemstone overlays that, when enchanted, produce magical effects. There are crossbows one-handed weapon.


Darts are probably one of the fastest weapons, but they pay for it with a small force. However, against unarmored opponents, it is a very dangerous weapon. They can be poisoned. One-handed weapon.


As fast as darts, but slightly stronger and with a slightly longer range. Same like darts can be poisoned. One-handed weapon.

Magic weapons

Staves, Battlestaves, Mystic Battlestaves

Naturally, mages use magic staffs that give them attack bonuses and magical defense. As a melee weapon, they are not very suitable, they have the speed of long swords and deal crush damage. Battlestaves and Mystic Battlestaves have improved melee stats. One-handed weapon.

Armour Types

Solid armor is as good as a sharp sword. Reduces the chance of hitting the opponent's attacks, which you don't have to constantly worry about your health and other food. However, keep in mind your fighting style, which you chose. Certain types of armor interfere with the use of certain combat techniques, affecting badly accuracy of attacks. Armor descriptions can be found below.

Warrior armors

Med helmets

These helmets offer rather low protection, but their advantage is that they don't have much negative modifiers to Ranged and Magic attacks. They are also a very cheap item equipment.

Full Helmets

This solid head protection is a choice for warriors, while a bad one for archers and mages who are unlikely to be able to attack accurately with this piece of iron on head. Like all types of metal armor, it makes the owner more vulnerable to magic.


Chain mail is armor that protects well against slashing and crushing damage, her the weakness is puncture damage. Can also be used by claim archers better defense, because there are no negative bonuses to attack from a distance. Just like armor plate, not suitable for mages.

Platebody, Platelegs

This heavy armor offers excellent melee protection, well protected against bullets. Completely unsuitable for mages and archers, the owner is also vulnerable it's for magic attacks. His weakness is crush damage. It often doesn't belong either cheap.

Barrows Armour

These powerful armor sets are one of the best forms of protection for warriors. The defensive bonuses of this armor are definitely impressive, each set more so has a special effect when used in its entirety. They require periodic repairs that cost a bit of money, but are definitely worth it. Verac kit has a slightly weaker defense, but offers a considerable bonus to Prayer.

Square Shields

These shields offer quite good defense, slightly weaker than kiteshields. Mages and archers can use them for extra protection at the cost of a small drop accuracy of attacks. Their weakness is crush attacks. Kiteshields Kiteshields have better bonuses than square shields, although they are heavier. They are little more vulnerable to stab attacks. The most common type of shield.

Anti-dragon Shield

It doesn't offer much defense, but in most cases it's essential against members of the dragon family. Mages and archers may like this shield for its no negative modifiers. Using Draconic Visage you can significantly shield this shield improve.

Dragonfire Shield

It's an upgraded anti-dragon shield, it absorbs dragon's breath every time becoming stronger. It becomes very heavy then, but it has some defensive bonuses higher among the shields. In addition, it can shoot dragon fire.

Rockshell Armour

This armor made from stone crab shells is often worn by Fremennik warriors. Offers almost the same defensive bonuses as rune armor.

Granite Armour

Armor for definitely the toughest. It's terribly heavy, but with bonuses it outperforms rune armor and also has high durability against z attacks distance.

Bandos Armour

Armor dedicated to the god of war offers excellent defensive stats, by the way increasing the strength of its bearer. It also has an interesting appearance.

Ranged armor


Armor for beginner archers, very weak come on, offers defense as well against magic. It can be improved a bit by adding studs or by making it out of hard skin.


Higher level than normal skin, but still not as high as dragon skin. However, this armor is full, it takes up all the clothing slots. Just like all of them archers armor, good protection against enemy magic.

Spinned Armour

Made from the skin of monsters, Dagannoth is eagerly worn by archers Fremennik. It is equivalent to green dragon skin armor.

Dragonhide Armour

Strong and durable dragon skin will stop many magic attacks, ensuring some protection against melee attacks.

Karil's Armour

This is one of the Barrows armor sets, this one is for archers. Oddly enough in hand-to-hand combat, it is less protective than black dragon skin, but better at protecting magical. Requires repair from time to time like all Barrows armor.

Armadyl's Armour

Armor dedicated to the god of skies and justice, Armadyl. She used to be worn by his sky-worshippers who naturally had to choose to fight against distance. Without a doubt, it is one of the best armor for archers, offering excellent protection.

Mage armor

Mage robes

The rookie mage outfit offers no protection against warriors or archers, but helps in casting spells.


Armor Offers some melee protection while still helping with magic. NO protects against archers' projectiles. You can find the components of this armor by playing the mini-game Shades of Mort'ton.

Mystic Robes

These robes are for seasoned mages, they still only protect against magic. However, their owner will find that they are very helpful in casting spells. Infinity Robes They are slightly better than Mystic Robes. You can get them by playing the Mage Training Arena.

Skeletal Armour

This type of armor is more or less an upgraded version of splitbark armour. Still not guaranteed protection against ranged attacks. Used and performed by Fremennik mages.

Combat Robes, Druidic Robes, Battle Robes

These mage robes are from the Fist of Guthix mini-game and require tokens from that to work mini-games. They offer some melee protection, but most importantly, any of these sets has its own special effect. Combat and Battle Robes sets can save runes (mind, chaos, death, blood) when casting combat spells, being set Battle Robes is better in this regard. The Druidic set supports spells stoppers, making them more likely to hit their opponent.

Ahrim's Robes

Probably the best mage clothing. It protects well in melee and It's great for spellcasters. However, it requires periodic repairs.


The following quests have an Combat level requirement:

Quest x1 x2.5 x5
- - - -

The following quests award Combat experience:

Quest x1 x2.5 x5
- - - -

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skill_guides/melee.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/16 22:40 by szumaster