As of April 2022, the famous tutorial island has been added to 2009scape. Once you have created your account, you will spawn at the start of tutorial island. You can skip the tutorial by talking to Skippie. I know many of you have completed tutorial island so many times that you can't fathom the thought of doing it again. But, I promise that you will not regret experiencing the island with those beautiful HD graphics! Do keep in mind that the default experience is x5, so if you're a skiller, you will want to skip the tutorial.
You will be given the option to set your XP rate and game mode at the end of the tutorial by speaking to the wizard.
As some of us have not played in over a decade, I will go into detail on each mode.
In Runescape, there were plenty of different ways to make money, and I know it's a tad difficult hopping into the time machine and coming back to this era, forgetting how in the worlds people made money. Not to worry, we have you covered with some basic money-making methods that may later have full guides, but for now, a little glimpse into what 2009scape has to offer.
Tip: The Bandit Camp's General store buys items for high alch value if you are unable to find players to trade or do not have the magic level.
The job system is a unique system that Jagex created to get players to learn the ropes. The job system is pretty simple; you speak with a tutor, and then you ask for a job. They give you a task to complete which features the beginning of the assigned skill. You are able to cancel a job by asking the tutor for a new task.
You can find a list of NPCs that give jobs:
Type | Material | Gold |
Comb | Ivory | 50gp |
Comb | Pottery | N/A |
Comb | Stone | N/A |
Comb | Gold | N/A |
Seal | Ivory | N/A |
Seal | Pottery | N/A |
Seal | Stone | 150gp |
Seal | Gold | 750gp |
Scarab | Ivory | N/A |
Scarab | Pottery | 75gp |
Scarab | Stone | 175gp |
Scarab | Gold | 1k |
Statuette | Ivory | N/A |
Statuette | Pottery | 100gp |
Statuette | Stone | 200gp |
Statuette | Gold | 1,250gp |
Pyramid Plunder This sneaky thieving mini-game can end up getting you a pretty penny when first starting. As it only requires 30 thieving to get started! There are plenty of rewards to get from the mini-game, one being the pharaoh's sceptre.
Agility Pyramid You will need a way to make sure you don't die of the desert heat and a minimum of 30 agility to get started. The pyramid is straightforward, and when you bring Simon the pyramid top, he will give you 10k each. Make sure you bring waterskins.
Stronghold of Security Make your way over to the stronghold of security underneath the Barbarian village. Make your way through the mazes answering the player safety questions. Once you have made it through the maze, there is a free 10k and some colorful/fighting boots.
The travel method a lot of people forget about are the canoes!
Fairy Rings I won't be going into super detail of where the fairy rings teleport you to, but I will say that in 2009scape due to the Fairy tale quest not being added, the fairy rings are locked behind only the Lost City quest.
One major thing that most people on the server forget when starting the server is that quests exist in the game. While most RSPS do not really have quests, this is a remake of the year 2009, so the plan is to add all the quests eventually in the game. As pointed out earlier on this page is that when a quest is not implemented, you can use some of the travel methods without needing to complete the quest. You can find all the quests inside the website under quest help. The quest cape works as well. Once a new quest is added, you will no longer be able to wear the cape until that quest is completed.
Recently, we had an update that added the Diaries to the game! There is now certain content locked behind these achievements. With methods of fast traveling, completing the Lumbridge/Draynor diaries can land you an explorer ring which teleports you to the farming patches! There are plenty of other perks of completing the diaries! So click the little green star in your quests tab to check them out!
With a new system for Dailies being added, the dailyscape grind has come to 09. Do not worry, this will not consume your entire gameplay experience since there is plenty of stuff to do inside the game. Just to name a few dailies, there are shooting stars, penguin hide n seek, and things like battlestaves being in stock. There will be guides soon on our local Wiki.
Being a Community, we are always voting in Quality of life updates that help players relieve a partial bit of the tedious unnecessary grind of their gameplay experience. In 2009scape, we have allowed, as long as you are within the dialogue, to reroll the slayer task. If you click out, the game has noted that you had accepted the slayer task.
Let us know on the forums if you have any suggestions for this guide, and make sure you check out our wiki for quest guides and more.
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Credits: downthecrop2