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Mining is a skill that allows the extraction of ores from rocks. A higher Mining level provides a higher chance of success when swinging at rocks.


All pickaxes, except the Inferno adze, can be bought at Nurmof's Pickaxe Shop in the Dwarven Mines. Pickaxe-Is-Mineplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigTati


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in Keldagrim also stocks Bronze, Steel, Mithril, Adamant, and Rune pickaxes for the same price. The Inferno adze is rewarded from the All Fired Upplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigStart Point

* Varrock Palace.


* 43 Firemaking * Completion of the following quests: * Priest in Peril

Items Required

* - Tinderbox * - 45x Logs of any type (2 sets of 20 and 1 set of 5)


* Difficulty: Intermediate *

Pickaxe Mining Level Cost
Bronze 1 1
Iron 1 147
Steel 6 525
Mithril 21 1,365
Adamant 31 3,360
Rune 41 33,600
Inferno adze 41 All Fired Up

Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars crash periodically around 2009scape. There are 9 tiers, 1-9, with a Mining level of the tier x 10 is required to mine it. See Shooting Starsplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigShooting Stars



Shooting stars are one of the more unique things about 2009scape, and no, these are not from OSRS! With shooting stars in 2009scape, they serve as a point for the community to gather around and hang out while they break down the star, and offer some nice daily incentives for earning GP as well.


The following quests have a Mining level requirement:

Quest Level
The Lost Tribeplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigStart Point

Lumbridge Castle - 1nd floor. (the same room with Duke Horacio)

Requirements Quests

* Goblin Diplomacy * Rune Mysteries


* Candle, Oil latern (filled), torch, or bulls-eye latern (filled) with the ability to light that item! * Tinderbox (for lighting if not already lit)
What Lies Belowplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigquest_guides:what_lies_below

Start Point

South of Varrock / Crossroads between Varrock and Lumbridge


* Rune Mysteries Quest * 35 Runecrafting Level * 42 Mining Level

Items Required

* - 15x Chaos rune * - Bowl


* Difficulty: Beginner. * Length: Short.


*42 Mining is needed to use the shortcut to the Chaos Altar, but is not required if using the Abyss.

Some quests require items that can be obtained through Mining. This is usually the concern of Ironmen.

Quest Notes
Doric's Questplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigIntroduction

Doric the dwarf is happy to let you use his anvils but first he would like you to run an errand for him.


* Difficulty: * Novice

* Length: * Short

* Quest Requirements: * None

* Skill/Other Requirements:
15 Mining is required for Iron ore, unless it is sourced elsewhere
The Knights' Swordplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigStart Point

White Knights' Castle in Falador.


* 10 Mining Level

Items required

* - Redberry pie * - 2x Iron bar * - Any pickaxe


* Difficulty: Beginner. * Length: Short.


* 1 Quest point * 12,725
15 Mining is required for Iron bars, unless it is sourced elsewhere

The following quests award Mining experience:

Quest x1 x2.5 x5
Doric's Questplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigIntroduction

Doric the dwarf is happy to let you use his anvils but first he would like you to run an errand for him.


* Difficulty: * Novice

* Length: * Short

* Quest Requirements: * None

* Skill/Other Requirements:
1,300 3,250 6,500
The Lost Tribeplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigStart Point

Lumbridge Castle - 1nd floor. (the same room with Duke Horacio)

Requirements Quests

* Goblin Diplomacy * Rune Mysteries


* Candle, Oil latern (filled), torch, or bulls-eye latern (filled) with the ability to light that item! * Tinderbox (for lighting if not already lit)
3,000 7,500 15,000

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* Skill Cape Perks * Skill Calculator - Google Doc

Combat Skills


* Melee * Ranged * Magic * Prayer * Summoning

Gathering Skills


* Woodcutting * Fishing * Farming * Mining * Thieving * Hunter

Processing Skills


* Crafting * Fletching * Runecrafting * Smithing * Herblore * Cooking

Misc Skills


* Construction *

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This is a community wiki written and maintained by the community. Please help expand the wiki, especially if you can help document the differences between 2009scape and RuneScape as it was in January 2009. We are seeking original and new 2009scape content, please don't copy paste irrelevant OSRS/RS3 content.

skill_guides/mining.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/16 14:37 by zencro